HBS Club of the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council)

SIGN UP TODAY to be a part of our exclusive HBS Alumni community

The benefits of the chartered member(ship):

  • Free access to all core club programs (Majlis, Think Tank, entrepreneurial events, Crossroads) hosted by the club in GCC.
  • Discounted rates for participating in social activities organized by the Club.
  • Fazaa Discounted card included.
  • Access to Harvard House.
  • Voting rights during major club elections.
  • Access the right to nominate yourself/or others to open board positions.
  • Opportunity to play a key role in event planning and serve as a host or moderator.
  • Opportunity to be featured in social media announcements on the HBS Club of GCC social media channels.
  • Opportunity to host a masterclass or thought leadership session for fellow alumni on relevant topics.
  • Access to further benefits as they roll out throughout the year.
Membership Fee

USD $628.92

Renew your member(ship) today, to continue enjoying the exclusive chartered member benefits.

  • The primary objective of the membership committee is to actively engage all the members and empower them to become champions in our broader community.
  • There shall be two categories of membership: A, regular membership plan and charter membership plan. Mmembership fees collected shall be utilized for Club activities which deepen our community and inspire our alumni, such as conferences , workshops, social events and more that will strengthen the HBS alumni community and add value to our members.
  • A charter member of the club shall recieve exclusive benefits at a cost of USD 600 per annum. Charter Members shall have access to all the events organized by the Club, including the annual events, alumni social gatherings and exclusive Harvard House events.
  • A regular member of the Club shall benefit the newsletters and regular updates of the HBS events at a cost of USD 250 per annum.

Not a Member?

Sign up today to become part of our exclusive community today!